Same Day Messages from Your Person - CARD PULL ONLY (read description)
Same Day Messages from Your Person - CARD PULL ONLY (read description)
Get insights into what your person would say to you and how they feel about your connection with this reading. You'll receive 5 message cards from your person for guidance from the Spirit. The card photos will be sent directly to you via email and WhatsApp within 4–24 hours, depending on the daily order volume.
Please note that this is not a written or video reading. It consists of message cards sent directly to you from your person, expressing how they feel or what they think about you or your connection. If you're interested in a full reading, please check out my other services for readings, guidance, and advice.
-Add Your Name
-concerned person name
-Date of birth (optional)
-The connection you share (boyfriend, ex, twin flame, crush, friend, etc.)
Please provide an email ID or WhatsApp number to get answers
I need all this So, I can ask my spirit guides, referring to them by name, to receive accurate messages from them. This will help me channel my energies better.
I feel very blessed to provide guidance on your soulmate, twin flame, divine unions, or connections. Thank you for letting me be of service.
Provided by Anuradha Guleria (@Divinelovetarot1), a certified and renowned tarot/oracle reader, chakra healer, and relationship counselor.